My Favorite Tech Podcasts

My Favorite Tech Podcasts

In today's fast-paced world of technology, keeping up to date isn't just beneficial—it's essential. Whether you're a tech pro, a budding coder, or simply passionate about all things digital, staying in the know is crucial. Luckily, there's a fantastic resource that fits into your daily routine and can boost your tech knowledge: tech podcasts. These audio shows are more than convenient; they're a captivating way to explore the ever-expanding world of technology, right through your headphones. In this blog post, I'm excited to share my favorite tech podcasts, a mix of shows I listen to regularly. Each one offers a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to help you on your tech journey. Whether you want to learn from industry experts, dive into the latest innovations, or simply relax with some tech chat, join me in discovering how podcasts can be your go-to source for expanding your tech know-how.

The SANS Internet Storm Center's Stormcast

Cyber Security Podcasts - SANS Internet Storm Center
Subscribe to the Internet Storm Center’s cybersecurity podcast, Stormcast, for daily information security threat updates and analysis.

Every weekday morning, I start my day with a cup of coffee and the voice of Dr. Johannes Ullrich. This 5 minute podcast is one you shouldn't miss.

A brief daily summary of what is important in information security. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually 5 minute long, summary of current network security related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Stormcenter.

Johannes does a great job of hitting the industry news to get your day started. I can't tell you how many times I've heard something here that caused me to take action in my tech roles thus far. Whether it be the latest patches, zero-day vulnerability advisories, or even the latest research from SANS students, it is a wealth of information you should be tuning into every day.

The CyberWire Daily

In the afternoon as I am finishing up my work day, I look forward to listening to Dave Bittner on the CyberWire Daily podcast. This show runs around 20-30 minutes and is jam packed with the latest industry news, research, and expert interviews.

The daily cybersecurity news and analysis industry leaders depend on. Published each weekday, the program also includes interviews with a wide spectrum of experts from industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world.

I especially look forward to the last Tuesday of each month, where John Pescatore hosts a segment called "Mr. Security Answer Person". It is a fun segment focused on listener mail relating to cybersecurity topics. It is candid and humorous.

The Techmeme Ride Home

Techmeme Ride Home
A daily podcast from with the day’s tech news headlines, context, and conversation. 15 minutes and you’re up to date.

While I may not have a commute anymore, I always make time to listen to Brian McCullough on the Techmeme Ride Home podcast. Since I work in tech, it can be hard to keep up with the rapidly changing industry news. Brian provides great industry insight in a 15 minute podcast at the end of my workday.

The day's tech news, every day at 5pm. From, Silicon Valley's most-read news source. 15 minutes and you're up to date.

My friends wonder how I can stay so knowledgeable on topics that are outside my scope of work. This is how! I have been a long time listener and I highly recommend if you are interested in the business side of technology.

2.5 Admins

2.5 Admins

Two and a half admins is my latest podcast find that I quickly added into my weekly rotation. It is released each Thursday. Coming from a sysadmin background, I have a soft spot in my heart for crotchety system administrators. Further, as I have started to specialize in cybersecurity and am working for a larger organization, it is nice to have a show that inspires me to keep my sysadmin chops.

2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/editor who can just about configure a Samba share called Joe Ressington. Every week we get together, talk about recent tech news, and answer some of your admin-related questions.

Darknet Diaries

Darknet Diaries – True stories from the dark side of the Internet.
A podcast featuring true stories from the dark side of the Internet.

Darknet Diaries is one of my favorite storytelling podcasts. Jack Rhysider brings you tales from the dark side of the internet. This is one of the podcasts that I can listen to with someone non-technical that they will enjoy just as much as I do.

Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.

The podcast schedule as moved to a monthly release schedule. You can catch it on the first Tuesday of every month.


Compiler - An original podcast from Red Hat
You have questions. So do we. Join us as we unravel tech topics big, small, and obscure.

Compiler is a great show that I discovered early last year. Angela and Brent do a wonderful job diving into topics within the tech industry and talking about them in a way that beginners can understand. I went back and listened to all of the episodes from start to finish, and now I anxiously await new episodes.

When it comes to technology, you may have questions. So do we. Every other week, we demystify the tech industry, one answer at a time. Join us as we bring together a chorus of perspectives from within Red Hat to break down the big, emerging ideas that matter both today and beyond. Compiler is hosted by Angela Andrews and Brent Simoneaux.


Traceroute – Origins.
Listen to the Origins Traceroute podcast for a fascinating story about the people, innovations, and social changes that created and scaled the internet.

Traceroute is a podcast that I found valuable in understanding some of the origins of the internet as we know it today. The first season covered some of the history and how we got to where we are today. They are now on their second season, talking about more modern issues with the technology that runs our world. I really enjoy how Grace Ewura-Esi tells the stories and speaks in a way that anyone listening can understand and enjoy.

Traceroute is a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of our digital world. Join Technical Storyteller Grace Ewura-Esi and a team of brilliant hosts from Equinix as they illuminate the human element behind the hidden design and unseen infrastructure that shapes our digital lives.

In today's tech-driven world, knowledge is key, and tech podcasts are your passport to it. The podcasts I've shared are personal favorites, offering unique insights into the tech realm. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, they're here to help you grow. So, grab your headphones, explore, and let these podcasts accompany you on your tech journey.

If you want more tech insights or have recommendations of your own, sign up on my site to comment and join the conversation. Let me know if I missed any that you think I should add to my rotation. I'd love to hear what your favorites are. Your input matters! Happy listening!